
Speech and Language Therapist

AASK Recruitment / Competitive / Cedar House, St Michaels


Job Title: Speech and Language Therapist: School Aged Team

Band: Band 5/6

Department:  School Aged Speech and Language Service, CYP Specialist Services, Enfield Health

Location and mobility: Your normal place of work will be based at Cedar House, St Michaels Site with sessions in mainstream or specialist schools dependent on the post. However, you may be required to work at any other location of the Trusts interests, including travelling to appropriate meetings, outside of the borough, as required.

Accountable to:   Manager of School Aged Speech and Language Service

Responsible to:   Manager of School Aged Speech and Language Service

Responsible for: Specified caseload within mainstream and/or specialist schools


Internal: In partnership with other specialist services, therapies and CAMHS

External:  Partners in education and social care


The post holder will provide speech and language intervention to a designated caseload of children and young people with Education Health and Care plans with a range of speech, language and communication needs, attending Enfield mainstream primary and secondary schools and in specialist provisions (Additional Resource Provision or special school). This post will involve travelling between schools and working alongside teaching staff to ensure appropriate intervention programmes are in place for the CYP under their care.

He/she will be expected to work collaboratively with: children/young people (CYP) to ensure that they are actively involved in setting goals and planning their care, parents/carers and with colleagues in Health, Education and Social Services in planning and delivery of services.


  1. To manage a defined caseload of school-aged children with speech language and communication needs with support from senior colleagues. This includes:
    • Gaining appropriate consent
    • Assessment and differential diagnosis of individual children’s needs
    • Planning, delivering and evaluating treatment programmes in close collaboration with school staff to support access to the Foundation Stage and National Curriculum for children concerned
    • Referring on to other services/professionals as appropriate
    • Negotiating with CYP parents/carers, and others around individual case management
    • Provision of written clinical reports and care


  • Seeking support on the management of more complex cases
  1. To provide advice and programmes to others, particularly to school staff, regarding the management and care of children and young people with speech, language and communication needs
  2. To demonstrate clinical effectiveness by use of evidence based practice and manage clinical risk within defined caseload.
  3. To develop the ability to monitor and reflect on auditory, visual and kinaesthetic aspects of client’s communication and to identify appropriate strategies to facilitate and enhance communicative effectiveness. This includes adapting and facilitating own communication according to perceived client needs.
  4. To recommend and implement alternative/augmentative communication programmes and equipment necessary to meet individual This includes sign language, symbol systems and communication books.
  5. To demonstrate skills in handling clients with
  6. To demonstrate the ability to reflect on practice with peers/clinical supervisor and seek support as
  7. To develop the ability to target training (formal and informal) appropriately to the needs of course participants, in particular parents and schools staff, and to develop the ability to reflect on and evaluate training provided.
  8. To maintain up to date and accurate case notes in line with RCSLT professional standards and local trust policies.
  9. To gather client related activity data accurately and regularly, ensuring the provision of such


  1. To communicate complex patient related information effectively to ensure collaborative working with multidisciplinary team members across health, education and social services and the voluntary sector. In particular to work with teaching staff to ensure the delivery of a well-coordinated care/ individual education plan.
  2. To share information with others, observing confidentiality and data protection guidelines and having due regard for local guidance on sharing information with colleagues in education, social services and voluntary sector.
  3. To communicate complex condition related information (both verbally and in the written form) to parents/carers, and members of the multi-disciplinary team/other professions. This includes child specific information as well as training packages to parents, teachers and other professionals around the management of speech, language, and communication needs.
  4. To have due regard for the cultural and linguistic differences of children/families concerned. This may include working through an interpreter.
  5. To work closely with children, carers and families, involving them in decision making, demonstrating and ensuring that effective communication is achieved, particularly where barriers to understanding exist (i.e. hearing loss, communication difficulties, English as an additional language and learning difficulties).
  6. To employ excellent communication skills such as persuasion, motivation and explanations to encourage/reassure clients and carers to undertake treatment programmes.
  7. To develop negotiation skills in the management of conflict across a range of
  8. To deal with initial complaints sensitively, avoiding escalation where possible and report to senior staff as appropriate.
  9. To form productive relationships with others in particular parents/carers who may be under stress and/or have challenging communication difficulties.
  10. To provide clinical reports as per departmental
  11. To provide written advice for statutory assessment of special educational

Patient/Customer Care (if applicable) (both direct and indirect)

See above

  1. To maintain sensitivity on a daily basis to the emotional needs of children and their carers. Particularly when imparting potentially distressing information regarding the nature of the child’s disability and implications of the same on the child’s social emotional and communication development. This involves recognising those parents/carers experiencing grief, loss and anger which may result in breakdown of communication/ conflict.
  2. To develop the ability to manage children with challenging behaviours including the application of appropriate management strategies.
  3. To deal with child protection concerns promptly and sensitively according to departmental/trust
  4. To be flexible to the demands of the environment including unpredictable work patterns, deadlines and frequent interruptions.
  5. To recognise potential breakdown and conflict when it occurs. and seek advice and support to


People (HR) Management

  1. To manage own time and prioritise workload with minimal support from a senior
  2. To supervise the work of
  3. To participate in student
  4. To explain the role of speech and language therapists to other colleagues in Health education and social care as well students and volunteers.

Information Management

  • To follow guidance on record keeping including maintaining case notes and data on RiO in a contemporaneous manner.

Policy Development

  • Contribute ideas for creating policies and working

Service Development

  1. To adhere to service, directorate and trust plans and
  2. To comment on proposed service/policy developments – particularly in area of working in
  3. To participate in project work aimed at achieving team objectives in particular projects within the schools’ team, contributing to working groups of SLTs, project work with colleagues from education in relevant schools and multi-disciplinary project groups involving PTs and OTs.
  4. To collect data for clinical audit/research projects relating to specific areas of intervention/management of school aged children.
  5. To participate in interagency/multidisciplinary team building

Resource Management

  1. To monitor resource levels in designated base and request new equipment and resources where
  2. To be responsible for the security, care and maintenance of equipment ensuring standards of infection control and safety are maintained – including equipment loaned to children.

Systems and Equipment

  • Familiarity with computer systems to include Microsoft word, Excel, Outlook and the
  • Training will be provided in use of the RiO

Effort, Mental and Environment

  1. Working as a lone practitioner to provide clinical services in designated mainstream schools organising own timetables and travel arrangements.
  2. To visit CYP in their own home adhering to the department’s lone worker
  3. To have due regard for infection control and health and safety guidelines in order to deal appropriately with unpleasant conditions related to client contact which arise: for example exposure to body fluids, childhood infectious diseases /conditions, encountered on a daily basis.
  4. To develop appropriate strategies to manage aggressive behaviour of both CYP and others within the workplace.
  5. To have due regard for your own personal safety and that of children/carers, in particular to have regard to moving and handling regulations, restraining policies and ensure the safe positioning of self and others.

Knowledge, Training and Education

  1. To work as an autonomous practitioner being responsible for maintaining own competency to practice through CPD activities and maintain a portfolio, which reflects personal development. In particular to keep up to date with new techniques and developments for the promotion and maintenance of good practice in provision of SLT to school age children with special educational needs and disability.
  2. To access appraisal within an Individual Performance Review framework ensuring that the objectives set reflect the Service and Trust plans.
  3. To contribute to support/team meetings organised for SLT and the broader Paediatric therapy team in order to give and receive support.
  4. To attend relevant training courses, meetings, special interest groups in order to maintain skills and knowledge required of a therapist working in the field of Special needs/disability and schools and to maintain up to date HPC and RCSLT registration.
  5. To demonstrate knowledge of, and adhere to RCSLT Professional and Clinical and National and Local Clinical Guidelines.
  6. To develop a working knowledge and application of relevant legal frameworks, policy and procedures including:
    • Safeguarding Children and Children’s bill
    • National Service framework for Children
    • Special Educational Need, Disability discrimination act and SEN tribunals
    • Foundation stage and National curriculum policy and
    • Obtaining consent from children and young
    • Relevant NICE guidelines relating to children
  7. To develop a working knowledge of the principles of Clinical Governance and their application to professional practice.
  8. The post holder must be aware of the responsibilities placed upon them under the Health and Safety Act 1974 to ensure that agreed procedures are carried out and that a safe working environment is maintained for patients, visitors and employees.
  9. To attend all mandatory training as identified in the trusts mandatory training
October 13, 2022
Job Type
£ 25,000 to 50,000
Only premium members can apply for jobs.

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